Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!

We spent Halloween evening with Don, Jill, Heidi and Jill’s younger brother and sister. Heidi’s costume was too cute! She was Dorothy with little red shoes and everything! We all went trick or treating, although we didn’t collect any candy because the babies are too young to eat it and I don’t want to be tempted to eat it. Matthew & Claire just enjoyed the walk in their stroller, Heidi took a nap in her stroller and Jill’s sister and brother collected a ton of candy.

I’ve entered the babies in a Halloween photo contest for multiples put on by the blogging network I belong to. Here’s the link to see all the entries (M&C are lucky # 13):

You have to scroll down quite a ways to see the entries (after all the contest rules and prizes).

Happy Halloween!

Grampa's House

My Mom and I made a couple dinners to take over to my Grampa’s house on Halloween. The babies were able to show Grampa their costumes and practice going up and down the step from the family room to the kitchen. Grampa let the babies borrow the little kitchen table and chairs that my cousins and I used to play with when we visited a long time ago. I’m sure they’ll have tons of fun playing with it when they’re a little older.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Feeding the Deer

I've been feeding (aka "baiting" as Jeremy calls it) the deer in the backyard so we can check them out.  I had Jeremy put out some carrots and the babies went along in their stroller to watch.  The next evening, we had about 12 deer in our backyard.  They made short work of the carrots, so I'll have to get some more soon.  Jeremy says this is why he's glad we live away from the city, it's like having the nature channel in our own backyard!

Halloween Fun!

Matthew and Claire are Bamm Bamm and Pebbles from the Flintstones this year for Halloween.  Here are some photos:

Last Saturday we went to the Huron Valley Parents of Multiples Halloween party, Matthew and Claire were a little young to appreciate the magician they had there but they did love the blocks and other toys.  It was fun to see the other sets of twins and what they were dressed as this year.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall Walk Downtown

Here are a few new photos, we took the babies for a walk downtown last night because it was so warm out.  I had to try and get a few photos with the fall leaves. 

Friday, October 16, 2009

10 Months Old!

Matthew and Claire are 10 months old!  They are both crawling all over and standing up on the furniture.  Here's a photo of Matthew & Claire in their Halloween pajamas (thanks to Annie Rayner for sharing Mason's holiday clothing!).  Matthew's a little under the weather in this photo, he was just getting over a small cold so he looks a little dazed...

 I finally got a photo of Claire standing on her own.  She was telling me a story about this toy when she was standing there.  Too cute!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Weekend Update and Pumpkin Patch

Both babies have learned to pull themselves to a stand in the last week or so.  They stand up on the toy box or the couch.  Matthew loves to stand up in his pack and play.  Here's a couple photos of Matthew standing, I haven't been quick enough with the camera, yet, to catch Claire.

On Friday night Jeremy had to work so Matthew, Claire and I went out to Clarkston to stay at Gramma's and see Krissy and her family.  Krissy was in town for her cousin's wedding.  She hadn't seen the babies since they were just a few days old.  Matthew really enjoyed visiting with her, he kept crawling over to her and wanting to be held.  It was really cute.  We took the babies to Krissy's Aunt Di's house and they met Krissy's Mom, Aunt Di, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Mike and her cousin Marquis.  Claire was so tired she went right to bed but Matthew had a great time cracking Gramma up.  He will pull himself to a stand

On Saturday, we decided to take the babies to a pumpkin patch.  We went out to Spicer's at M59 and US23, it was insane!  There were so many people there!  We thought it would just be a relaxing visit where we could pick out a pumpkin and take some photos, but apparently about 2000 other people had the same idea.  It was still fun and we got some great photos (and a 27lb pumpkin).  Spicer's had UPick apples, pumpkins and raspberries, they had tons of activities for kids and cider & donuts.  We became somewhat of an attraction ourselves when we decided to take photos in front of the "How tall are you this year?" 

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Go Spartans!

Claire loves her MSU sweatshirt!  She wore it while we watched the Spartan victory over U of M.