Monday, July 26, 2010

Welcome Baby Cate!

We welcomed baby number 3, Cathryn Beatrice Dougherty on July 26th at 3:13AM.  We're going to call her Cate.  She weighed 8 lbs 3 oz and was 22 inches long.  She waited to make her entrance until after Jeremy made it back from his trip to Las Vegas and California.  Jeremy left for Chris & Trish's wedding on July 20th and came back on July 25th.  He had a great time and enjoyed being the best man in their wedding.  I wish I could have gone, too, but it wasn't in the cards ;)  My due date was the 23rd so it was a good thing I went over by a few days!

I was supposed to pick Jeremy up from the airport, but it turned out I had to go to Beaumont instead.  I called Jeremy's friend, Dan and he was able to pick him up from Metro and bring him to Beaumont.  I was so grateful he was able to help out.  After 25 hours, Cate made her appearance.  I was so relieved afterward that I didn't end up having another c-section!  This recovery has been so much easier!

The next day we had a few visitors, my Dad came up, Jen, Gramma & Grampa Montgomery, Jill and Rhonda.  My hospital stay was a lot less stressful this time since I was feeling pretty good.

My Mom brought Matthew & Claire up for a visit on Tuesday.  We also got to see Kathy, Julie and Charlie.  Matthew & Claire got to take turns holding Cate, I was glad I got to see them since I haven't been away from them for more than 9 hours at a time (while I'm at work) since they were born!

Wednesday morning Cate took her first car ride to our house.  It was great to be back home.  We settled in and Matthew & Claire took turns inspecting the baby.

Thursday we went for our first well-baby check up with Dr. Navai.  Cate had a good check-up but she was a little jaundice so we had to go to have a blood draw (poor baby).  Aunt Cheryl and my Mom came with us and they were a huge help!  My Mom had to go to work that day so Aunt Cheryl stayed with us and made dinner.  She even watched the kids so I could take a nap!

I'm wayyyy behind on blogging, I have so many great photos of the twins that I need to put up.  I thought I'd just start with Cate's birthday and catch up over the next few weeks.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Blueberry Picking

My Mom, Susie, Matthew, Claire and I went blueberry picking at Hazen's Farm in Howell.  The kids had a great time picking berries and putting them in their buckets.  They really understood what we were doing and they were trying hard to pick berries.  This was about 8 days before I had Cate and it was HOT that day, but we still had a great time and got some good photos.

The blueberry thief!  Matthew discovered it was easier to take the blueberries out of my bucket and put them in his than it was to take them off the bushes...
Helping Gramma...
And for comparison, here's a photo from this year and from last year in front of the same barn!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Big Shoes to Fill...

Here's Matthew trying on the fire boots at the Founders Fest in 2009 and then again in 2010!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fun at the Farm

Fourth of July we went out to a friend of Jeremy's farm in Holly.  She has horses, dogs, cats, donkeys and some other animals.  Claire was in heaven, she loved petting all the animals and made friends with Toby the horse (who loves kids).  Matthew was a little afraid of the horses, but loved the "Gator".
Taking the van for a "test drive"