Monday, May 18, 2009

5 Months Old on 5/16/09

Matthew and Claire are 5 months old! We don't go to the pediatrician until next month, but our guesses for weights are: Matthew - almost 17 lbs, Claire about 14 1/2 lbs. They are sleeping in their cribs upstairs every night, now. They go to sleep about 8:30, Matthew gets up to eat at about 1AM and again around 4AM, Claire sleeps through until about 6AM. Everyone gets up for the morning about 6AM and we have cereal.

Matthew rolled over a few days ago (5/12)!!! Claire is close, maybe in the next couple days. Claire grabs her toes and looks up at you and smiles. She is also finally starting to enjoy eating cereal, she opens her mouth for the spoon and looks for you to give her more. They get cereal twice a day (once in the morning before I go to work and once in the evening when I get home from work). They both really enjoy it and enjoy making a huge mess!

Last Saturday we went to dinner with Don, Jill and Heidi at Red Robin, all three of the babies were great the entire time through dinner! Heidi pretty much slept the whole time, Claire enjoyed watching the funny-shaped fans that Red Robin has and Matthew decided he wanted to try some of Don's dinner (he stuck his hand in Don's sandwich). After dinner, we went over to Bryan and Jenny Hewitt's for a bonfire (it was Bryan's birthday). The babies hung out with Jeremy outside for a bit and even tried out Gavin's swing. They both loved it! Here are some photos.

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