Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Andy & Talie's 2nd Birthday Party

Mandy from our Multiples Group invited us to her twins', Andy & Talie's 2nd birthday party at Urban Toddler.  We had a great time!  Cate pretty much slept in her sling for most of the party and the twins played with all the toys.  Matthew enjoyed the ice cream and Claire enjoyed the chocolate cate!  Here are some photos:
Claire loved the stuffed doggie

Rett and Pauly checking out the fire truck

Matthew found some tools to play with, right up his alley!

Claire taking off her socks...

                             Matthew & Claire checking out the fire truck!

Matthew & Talie

Claire with Erik and Elizabeth

Mmmm birthday cupcakes!

Here's Claire baking cookies!  She wanted to do it all by herself!


  1. I didn't know you guys had a blog! (I saw it on bigtent) And here's a post about my little ones! :-)

  2. Hey Mandy! The kids had a ball at the party! I started the blog because I love to scrapbook but don't always have the time to keep up on it so this was a good way to jot things down and remember them!
