Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Twins Turn Two!

Matthew and Claire are 2!  Time flies!  They seem more and more grown up all the time and it amazes us how much they have learned over the last two years. 

Matthew is very observant and very sweet.  He talks quite a bit and is pretty good at putting sentences together.  He loves cars, trucks, tractors, airplanes, light switches and anything else mechanical.  His very favorite things right now are trains.  He has a couple toy trains that he likes to push around and make choo-choo noises with.  He's very sweet to his sisters and will hand them a toy or blankie if he thinks they need it. 

Claire is very determined and very charming.  She loves to "be cozy" with her blankies.  She likes to play cars with Matthew but also enjoys playing with her play kitchen and her dolls.  She loves to give hugs and will ask for them.  Her favorite toy right now is her stuffed reindeer, which she sleeps with every night.  She likes to play ring around the rosie and can sing most of "Frosty the Snowman".  Claire is very good at getting her point across and can put together all kinds of sentences.

I took the kids to their 2 year well-baby check-up and Jeremy stayed home with Cate.  They did very well and the Dr said they're right on schedule.  Matthew weighed 27 lbs and was 35" tall.  Claire weight 23 lbs 15oz and was 34" tall.  They only had one shot this time and it wasn't too traumatic for anyone.  Matthew cried a little bit, Claire didn't cry at all. 

We had a small birthday party at the house for them.  We were glad to have some of our friends and family come over for pizza and an ice cream cake.  The kids had a great time and received some new toys that they were very excited about. 

And for comparison....
 Matthew on 12/16/2008
 Matthew on 12/16/2009
Matthew on 12/16/2010
 Claire on 12/16/2008
 Claire on 12/16/2009
Claire on 12/16/2010

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Matthew & Claire. Glad to hear they had a great birthday. My kids got that alphabet apple for Xmas too. They love it.
