Wednesday, August 26, 2009

8 Months Old! (Post is a little late!)

Matthew & Claire are 8 months old! This post is a little late since I rarely have time for anything extra! Here are a few updates on what the twins are up to:

He has 2 bottom teeth and 2 top teeth. Loves to babble but hasn’t said any actual words, yet. Can sit up completely unassisted and can roll over both ways. Can stand up if you’re holding his hands. Gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth (this is new in the last couple days), he’ll probably be crawling soon! Can “allegedly” go from laying down to sitting, we haven’t actually SEEN him do this but I’ve gone in his room in the middle of the night a few times to find him sitting straight up! He loves to jump in his jumper and walk around the kitchen in the little walker. His favorite toys are bath toys. He loves taking a bath and “swimming” in the kiddie pool on our back porch. Wears mostly 6 to 9 month clothes, but his pajamas are 9 to 12 so they don’t squish his giant feet! He loves to grab the dog when Ranger accidentally gets a little too close.

She has 2 bottom teeth. Talks ALL THE TIME!!! But no actual words, yet. She can sit up completely unassisted and can roll over both ways. She can stand up if you’re holding her hands. She is starting to try and get up on all fours, but mostly likes playing on her tummy. She loves to read books. If you hand her a book she will hold onto it for what seems like hours! If you read to her, she talks right along with you. She likes to walk around the kitchen in her walker, but only if Matthew isn’t trying to play bumper cars with her using the other walker (I need to post a video of this). Her favorite toy is the stuffed hippo from the Curious George books. Wears mostly 3 to 6 months clothes, and is starting to get into 6 to 9 month. She loves to take a bath and “swim” in the kiddie pool on our back porch. She giggles out loud at the dog when he plays with his toys or brings his toys by her.

Matthew and Claire both know their names; they will turn toward you if you call them. They also laugh if they recognize a song that we sing to them or play patty cake. They play this game where they “steal” toys from each other, usually whoever takes the toy makes the other cry until they can take it back. It’s fun to see them play together and interact with one another.

Here is a quick list of things the babies eat: rice or oatmeal cereal, all kinds of mashed fruits (pears, peaches, apples, bananas, etc), all kinds of mashed veggies (green beans, squash, peas, sweet potatoes), just starting to feed themselves puffs. They love to drink all types of juice, too. We tried baby food meats but they weren’t so hot on them, I thought about it and I don’t think I’d like meat in a jar, either, so we might just wait on meat for a while!

Trying to crawl!!! I need to get some baby gates ASAP!!

Matthew & Claire - 8 Months Old

Silly Matthew
I think Claire is still wearing some of her dinner in this one ;)

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