Thursday, February 3, 2011


Last night when the twins were going to bed, I first followed Matthew into his bed and made sure he had all his cozy items.  His blankies, his stuffed monkey, and his small cozy blankies.  He also had Mickey Mouse in his bed, the same one that Claire has been toting around for about a week.  I said good night to him and went out to find Claire.  I put her in her room and checked on all her treasures (including Minnie Mouse) and as I was leaving her room Matthew started crying.  Usually they are really good about going to bed and don't cry, so I thought something might be wrong.  I opened his door back up and he was standing on the other side of it, tears running down his face and he holds up Mickey Mouse and tries to hand it to me.  He then starts laughing and says "Care" as I take Mickey Mouse, he turns around and runs to his bed and jumps in.  He knows Claire loves Mickey Mouse and wanted to make sure she had him to go to sleep with.  He is such a sweet little guy ;)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets A Whitewash....

Today was a snow day, well, almost a snow day.  Since a ton of snow fell overnight and continued to fall this AM I wasn't able to go to work on time, so the kids, Jeremy and I headed outside to clear the driveway (and play a little, too).  I grabbed my camera because this is one of the few times the kids have been out to play this winter because it's been so cold (and it's hard to get 2 2-year-olds dressed for the weather).  Matthew loved following Daddy and helping him shovel.  I tried to teach Claire how to catch snowflakes with her tongue. 

"Say Cheese!"
 Helping Daddy shovel

 The snow's too deep!

 Claire wasn't too happy at first, but she warmed up to the idea after a bit.

 Catching snowflakes!

I showed them how to make a snow angel, Matthew immediately tried to make one himself and it looked pretty good!  I was surprised he figured out what I was doing and tried it on his own ;)  We took a couple runs on the sled down the hill in the backyard and then Matthew hit meltdown mode due to the tumble he took head-first into the snow - see blog title ;).  Claire was a trooper and stayed outside to build a snowman with Daddy.  The snow didn't really pack well so they used a bucket instead of rolling the snowballs.  I thought that was pretty clever.

Claire was disappointed when she couldn't take the snowman inside.  We went in and had some hot chocolate with marshmellows and by then the plow guy came by and cleared our driveway the rest of the way so I was able to get out.  My work wasn't called off (even though the roads were terrible) so no snow day for me, but it was a fun morning none-the-less.  

*In case you're wondering where Cate was through all of this, she was inside taking her morning nap.  Luckily our baby monitor reaches a long way and I was able to keep it in my pocket ;)  

Sayings As Of Late...

Over the weekend we were out and about while Jeremy was at work.  I decided we should stop by and pay Daddy a visit so that the kids could check out the fire trucks.  Matthew was of course in heaven!  He was running to each truck, asking Jeremy to put him in the driver’s seat.  Jeremy turned the lights (minus the sirens) on and they really loved that.  As soon as we walked into the bay where the trucks are kept, Claire says “Santa Claus is coming!!!”  I explained to Jeremy and his crew (who were clearly confused) that she remembers when we were at the station back in December for the kids’ Christmas party and Santa rode in on one of the trucks.  One of the guys spoke up and said “Santa’s sleeping”.  Well, Claire took that to mean that he was Santa’s helper and he must know where Santa is and could possibly take her to see him, so she pretty much stuck to him like glue the rest of the time we were there.  She kept asking him “Where’s Santa?”  I think he was at a loss on what to tell her after that.  LOL.    
Matthew continues to ask “What’s that?” or “What’s this?”, but now he’s stepped it up a notch.  He now answers his own question.  He’ll hold up his toy fire truck and say “What’s this?” and before anyone else can answer him he nods his head and says “Oh, yeah” (like he forgot and suddenly remembers) “big fire truck”.  I wish I could get a video but as soon as I turn my phone on the video mode he clams up.
Matthew has also taken to entertaining Cate while I’m getting something done like making dinner or doing laundry.  It’s actually really helpful (and pretty funny, too).  He’ll go through all the parts of his face, pointing to each one “eye, nose, teeth”.  Cate thinks this is just hilarious and laughs right out loud at him.  I think she really enjoys when the twins play with her more than when Jeremy and I do. 
I had to laugh the other night when it was getting close to the twins’ bedtime and Claire was playing with the toy kitchen.  She was busy putting all the pots on the stove and stirring them.  Matthew came over and clearly wanted a turn.  He didn’t exactly ask or try to play with her, he just shoved her out of the way caveman-style and proceeded to rearrange all the pots.  Claire just looked over at me, clearly exasperated and said “Maffoo night night?  Maffoo night night now?”  She wanted him to go to bed so she could have the kitchen to her self ;)