Tuesday, April 26, 2011

9 Months Old - Cate

Cate's 9 month old milestone was on 4/26/11.  It's been hard to keep up blogging with work and the kids so I'm doing some of this from memory and other things I jotted down.

Cate is a very happy baby!  The only time that's tough for her is bedtime, she doesn't like to be away from us so putting her in her crib at night has been tough.  She still gets up 1 to 2 times a night and needs to be soothed back to sleep.  She's such a cuddly baby and loves to be with Matthew & Claire. 

She's crawling now, so the twins are having to learn to share their things with her.  Most of the time they're happy to let her play with them and share their toys.  Now that the weather's warming up, we hope to get outside more with all the kids. 

Dr. Navai says Cate is doing great!  She's meeting all her milestones and has a great disposition.  She received 2 shots at her well baby visit and was quite a trooper about it!

At her 9 month well check up Cate weighed 19 lbs, 8 oz which is the 50th percentile and is 28 1/4" tall which is the 25~50th percentile for girls her age.  Cate has 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth.  She  is a good eater, I've been making her baby food for the last couple months and she really enjoys all her fruits and veggies.  She's tried a few meats that she was just so-so on.  She likes picking up her puffs and cheerios while patiently waiting for her meal.  This month she tried eggs for the first time and they were a big hit!

Here are some 9 month photos of Cate!
This is how Cate likes to travel around the yard:
 Love this hat!
 Testing out Mama's photo props ;)
 Trying eggs.  Say cheese!
 At the Kensington Easter Egg Hunt
 Posing with M&C
 Sweet Baby Cate - she looks so good in hats ;)

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